


National Library Review

National Library Review is an academic Journal which focuses on social sciences, specific to library and information sciences. The journal is published by annually. Researchers in the library and information field have the opportunity to publish their research findings through this journal. For more information



Praleka is a Literacy Magazine of reportage, commentary, criticism essays, poetry and introducing new books. This magazine is published quarterly. This magazine has become a popular magazine among the readers as a literary magazine for the last few years.



NLDSB started publishing the NATNET LANKA newsletter in 1996. NATNET LANKA is published biannually. This newsletter contains information on current events in the library and information field in Sri Lanka as well as in other countries of the world.


Compilation of bibliographic and documentation sources is a main responsibility of the National Library. The objective of bibliographic and documentation sources is to record the publications of the country and to facilitate the readers to locate required information.


Sri Lanka National Bibliography (SLNB), the only authoritative record of current publishing in Sri Lanka, compiled and published by the National Library since 1974, has made an attempt for bibliographic control of the national output of literature of the nation. This bibliography which is mainly based on the Sri Lankan Publications received under the deposit law was able to include extensive coverage of bibliographical information on all subject areas. (The Sri Lanka National Bibliography was compiled and published by the Department of National Archives from 1963 – 1973) The following could be mentioned as the developments of the Sri Lanka National Bibliography in the recent years: since January, 1994 it has become a monthly publication (previous frequency was quarterly) ISBN, ISSN and ISMN are included in the entries under the bibliographic information; pre publication information is included as a separate section titled “Catalogue of Forthcoming Publications”.
* Information in Sinhala, Tamil and English publications are included.
* Includes information on printed publications, audio-visual materials, first issue of newspapers and serial publications, reprints with ISBN and ISMN numbers, unpublished postgraduate theses.

 Sri Lanka National Bibliography 2017 – 1 Volume 55 (January Issue)
 Sri Lanka National Bibliography 2017 – 2 Volume 55 (February Issue)
 Sri Lanka National Bibliography 2017 – 3 Volume 55 (March Issue)
 Sri Lanka National Bibliography 2017 – 4 Volume 55 (April Issue)

Compilation of the retrospective Sri Lanka National Bibliography is another important project launched by the National Library in 1991. This will cover the period beginning from 1962 and goes backwards to 1737, covering a period of 225 years. Bibliographic information in Sinhala, Tamil and English publications are included. The following bibliographies have been completed and published.
1962 (Sinhala, Tamil and English)
1737 – 1884 (Sinhala, Tamil and English)
1885 – 1900 (Sinhala, Tamil and English)
1901 – 1910 (Sinhala and English)
1911 – 1920 (Sinhala and English)
1921 – 1930 (Sinhala and English)
1931 – 1940 (Sinhala and English)
1901 – 1940 (Tamil)
Compilation of Retrospective Sri Lanka National Bibliography 1941 – 1961 Sinhala, Tamil and English volumes are in progress.

Sri Lanka National Bibliography is a monthly publication and there are 12 issues published within a year. The 12 issues previously appeared in periodically published parts are re-assembled into one volume. Bibliographic information on publications published in Sinhala, Tamil and English within one year are cumulated under subjects through this bibliography.
Cumulative volumes have been published as follows:
1974, 1987, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 2000 (English publications). Compilation of the cumulative volume for 2011 is completed.

 Sri Lanka National Bibliography Cumulated Volume 2011
 Sri Lanka National Bibliography Cumulated Volume 2012
 Sri Lanka National Bibliography Cumulated Volume 2013
 Sri Lanka National Bibliography Cumulated Volume 2014
 Sri Lanka National Bibliography Cumulated Volume 2015


Indexing of articles published in periodicals has made an attempt to make aware of what is published, on what subjects and to provide easy access to periodical articles. Sri Lanka Periodical Article Index which is a quarterly publication commenced publishing in 1998 by the bibliographic control division. It covers articles published in Sinhala, Tamil and English in periodicals published in Sri Lanka, articles on Sri Lanka published in foreign journals and articles written by Sri Lankans published in foreign journals. It includes bibliographic information of articles such as title, author and subject indexes for quick and easy reference.

Index to Postgraduate Theses is a listing of holdings of theses in the libraries of Universities, Postgraduate Institutions, Research institutions and Special libraries etc; in Sri Lanka. This index contains information on theses submitted to the Sri Lankan Universities and foreign universities by Sri Lankans.
This is a useful source for researchers, scholars, students as well as other users who seek information on postgraduate theses in Sri Lanka. The following volumes have been completed and published.
  Index to postgraduate Theses 1981 – 2000 vol. I, II, III
  Index to postgraduate Theses 2000 – 2006 vol. I, II, III
  Index to postgraduate Theses 2007 – 2010 vol. I
Information on postgraduate theses to date is available in Koha library catalogue of National Library.

This index includes information on research reports compiled by Universities, Postgraduate Institutes, Research Institutes and Scholars in Sri Lanka. The index is a very useful source for researchers, academics, students as well as entire users who seek information on Research Reports relevant to Sri Lanka. Compilation of this directory commenced in 2005 and published vol. I and II covering the period 2005 – 2009. Updated information is available in Koha library catalogue of National Library.

The National Library and Documentation Centre commenced compiling this index in 1993. Important articles published in the National Newspapers of Sri Lanka have been indexed. Articles on all subjects including Social Science, Humanities, Science and Technology etc. are being indexed and compiled separately as Sinhala, Tamil and English.

Conference proceedings which falls under the category of “grey literature” is received an increasing attention among special libraries as well as their users. These types of material are not usually available through normal commercial channels and therefore bibliographic control of such material is not possible at all times. With the intention of minimizing the lack of information on conferences, the National Library and Documentation Centre commenced compiling and publishing the Sri Lanka Conference Index in 1988. It has published five indices in printed form covering the period 1976 - 1986, 1987 - 1990, 1991 - 1992, 1993, 1994 - 1995. This index consists of information on conferences, seminars and workshops held in Sri Lanka and covers conferences related to Social Sciences, Humanities, Science and Technology etc; Updated information of conference index is available in Koha library catalogue of National Library.


The aim of compilation of this directory is to provide bibliographic information on publications published by the Government Institutions in Sri Lanka such as Ministries, Departments, Corporations, Statutory Boards, Parliament, Provincial Councils, and Local Government Institutes etc; This includes information on publications such as Bills, Acts, Ordinances, Parliamentary Debates (Hanzards), Sessional Papers, Gazettes, Sri Lanka Law Reports, Administration Reports, Annual Reports, Hand Books, Guide Books, Project Reports etc; This directory is a useful source for persons who are preparing development plans, involved in decision making, researchers, government officers, scholars or anyone who is seeking information on government publications. Compilation of this directory commenced in 1990 and it has published eleven volumes.

This directory includes information on public, university, research and technical libraries in Sri Lanka. Entries on public libraries are arranged in provincial and district wise. University and other libraries are arranged according to alphabetical order. This directory could be used as a basic information tool to identify and gain access to libraries in Sri Lanka.

Authority List

Information included on Government Ministries from 1930 – 2013. Information on Government Ministries is gathered and this publication is in progress. This is a useful guide for researchers as well as government institutions.

In editing the old Sinhala literacy books, titles have been given in different ways. Due to the differences in titles, organization of information has become a difficult task. Therefore the objective of an authority list is to bring titles of all editions under one common title. This is a useful guide for maintaining the uniformity in cataloguing, avoiding duplication and providing searching facilities related to Sinhala literature. As the first step a list of books published from Anuradhapura period to Kotte period has been compiled. Compilation of a list consisting of information on old Sinhala literary books published up to 2000 is in progress.

NLDSB has compiled authority list of Sinhala and Tamil authors. In editing the old Sinhala literary books, authors name has been given in different ways. Due to the differences in authors names, organization of information has become a difficult task. Therefore, the objective of an authority list of authors is to bring authors’ names in all editions under on common name. This is a useful guide for maintaining the uniformity in cataloguing, avoiding duplication and providing searching facilities related to Sinhala literature.


NLDSB has edited and published some old classics with the objective of making them available to present day readers. These classics include Poojavaliya, Pansiya Panas Jathakaya, Mahavansaya. Editing of Buthsarana is in progress.


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